Principal's Message

Terrace Heights Families,
It is hard to believe we have already passed the 100th Day of School in the 24-25 school year. We have many things to celebrate, and the children are working hard to make progress on a daily basis.
This year we will continue with our Be Here, Be You, Belong message, as well as a focus on attendance. Last year we saw an increase in attendance, and want to continue that trend this year. Working hard to be at school every day is beneficial to students, and contributes greatly to their success. We are aware that children do experience illness, so please keep students home if they are "big" sick. We will continue to encourage students to attend school regularly, and support in any way we can.
Eating breakfast every morning is important for students, and gives them energy to focus on learning in the classroom. Breakfast is available to all students before school, and we encourage our students to eat breakfast every day (whether at home or at school). Our staff is excited to see students in the cafeteria each morning, greeting them and helping them to have a great start to their day.
We are committed to supporting the students of Terrace Heights Elementary, and building partnerships with the families of our students. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our school office with any questions or concerns.
Looking forward to continuing our work together for the remainder of the school year!
Tami Scrivner